Other Configurations

Other Configurations #

Advanced Usage #

Templates #


  - name: "es_gw1"
    path: ./sample-configs/config_template.tpl
      name: "es_gw1"
      binding_host: ""
      tls_on_entry: true
      elasticsearch_endpoint: "http://localhost:9200"
configs.templatearrayConfiguration templates, can specify multiple templates with corresponding parameters
configs.template[].namestringName of the configuration
configs.template[].pathstringTemplate configuration path
configs.template[].variablemapTemplate parameter settings, variables in the template are used as $[[variable_name]]

Environment Variables #

The Gateway supports the use of environment variables for flexible parameter control within the configuration.

First, define the default values for environment variables in the configuration, as follows:

  PROD_ES_ENDPOINT: http://localhost:9200
  PROD_ES_USER: elastic
  PROD_ES_PASS: password

Then, you can use environment variables in the configuration using the following syntax:

  - name: prod
    enabled: true
      - $[[env.PROD_ES_ENDPOINT]]
      enabled: false
      username: $[[env.PROD_ES_USER]]
      password: $[[env.PROD_ES_PASS]]

Note that external environment variables take precedence over internal environment variable settings in the configuration. For example, to override environment variables when starting the program, use the following command:


Path #

Common configuration for paths, including data, log and config directories.


path.data: data
path.logs: log
path.configs: "config"
path.datastringData directory, default is data.
path.logsstringLog directory, default is log.
path.configsstringConfiguration directory, default is config.

Log #

The configuration for logs.


  level: info
  debug: false
log.levelstringLog level, default is info.
log.debugboolWhether to enable debug mode. When enabled, the program exits immediately in case of an exception, printing the complete stack trace. Used for debugging and fault localization. Default is false, do not enable in production as it may result in data loss.
log.formatboolLog format, default is [%Date(01-02) %Time] [%LEV] [%File:%Line] %Msg%n. Format References.
log.disable_file_outputboolWhether to disable local file log output, default is false. Use this in container environments if you don’t want local log output.

Configs #

Manage the configuration.


  auto_reload: true
  managed: true
  panic_on_config_error: false 
  interval: "1s"
    - "http://localhost:9000"
  max_backup_files: 5
  soft_delete: false
    enabled: false
    cert_file: /etc/ssl.crt
    key_file: /etc/ssl.key
    skip_insecure_verify: false
configs.auto_reloadboolWhether it supports dynamically loading configuration files under the path.configs path.
configs.managedboolWhether configuration management by the configuration center is supported.
configs.servers[]stringConfiguration center address
configs.intervalstringConfiguration synchronization interval
configs.soft_deleteboolThe deletion of configuration files is soft deletion, default is true.
configs.panic_on_config_errorboolIf there is an error in configuration loading, it will crash directly, default true
configs.max_backup_filesintThe maximum number of configuration file backups, default 10.
configs.valid_config_extensions[]stringValid configuration file suffixes, default .tpl, .json, .yml, .yaml
configs.tlsobjectTLS Configuration (Please refer to TLS)
configs.always_register_after_restartboolWhether to register after the instance is restarted. When the instance runs in the K8S environment, this parameter needs to be enabled.
configs.allow_generated_metrics_tasksboolAllow automatic generation of collection metrics tasks.
configs.ignored_path[]stringPaths of configuration files that need to be ignored.

Local Disk Queue #


  upload_to_s3: true
    server: my_blob_store
    location: cn-beijing-001
    bucket: infini-store
  max_bytes_per_file: 102400
disk_queue.min_msg_sizeintMinimum byte limit for a single message sent to the queue, default is 1
disk_queue.max_msg_sizeintMaximum byte limit for a single message sent to the queue, default is 104857600 (100MB)
disk_queue.sync_every_recordsintSynchronization interval in terms of the number of records, default is 1000
disk_queue.sync_timeout_in_msintSynchronization interval in milliseconds, default is 1000 milliseconds
disk_queue.max_bytes_per_fileintMaximum size of a single file in the local disk queue. If exceeded, a new file is created. Default is 104857600 (100MB)
disk_queue.max_used_bytesintMaximum allowed storage space used by the local disk queue
disk_queue.warning_free_bytesintFree storage space threshold for disk space warnings, default is 10737418240 (10GB)
disk_queue.reserved_free_bytesintProtected value for free storage space on disk. Once reached, the disk becomes read-only and no more writes are allowed. Default is 5368709120 (5GB)
disk_queue.auto_skip_corrupted_fileboolWhether to automatically skip corrupted disk files, default is true
disk_queue.upload_to_s3boolWhether to upload disk queue files to S3, default is false
disk_queue.s3.asyncboolWhether to asynchronously upload to the S3 server
disk_queue.s3.serverstringS3 server ID
disk_queue.s3.locationstringS3 server location
disk_queue.s3.bucketstringS3 server bucket
disk_queue.retention.max_num_of_local_filesintMaximum number of files to retain locally after uploading to S3, default is 3
disk_queue.compress.segment.enabledboolWhether to enable file-level compression, default is false

S3 #


    endpoint: ""
    access_key: "admin"
    access_secret: "gogoaminio"
s3.[id].endpointstringS3 server address
s3.[id].access_keystringS3 server key
s3.[id].access_secretstringS3 server secret key
s3.[id].tokenstringS3 server token information
s3.[id].sslboolWhether S3 server uses TLS
s3.[id].skip_insecure_verifyboolWhether to skip TLS certificate verification for S3 server

Kafka #

The Gateway supports using distributed Kafka as a backend queue. The related parameters are as follows.

kafka.enabledboolWhether the Kafka module is enabled
kafka.defaultboolWhether the Kafka module is the default queue implementation
kafka.num_of_partitionintDefault number of partitions, default is 1
kafka.num_of_replicaintDefault number of replicas, default is 1
kafka.producer_batch_max_bytesintMaximum size of the batch to submit, default is 50 * 1024 * 1024
kafka.max_buffered_recordsintMaximum number of buffered request records, default is 10000
kafka.manual_flushingboolWhether to enable manual flushing, default is false
kafka.brokers[]stringServer address information
kafka.usernamestringUser information
kafka.passwordstringPassword information

Badger #

Badger is a lightweight disk-based KeyValue storage engine used by the Gateway to implement the KV module.

badger.enabledboolWhether to enable the KV module implemented by Badger, default is true
badger.single_bucket_modeboolWhether Badger module uses single bucket mode, default is true
badger.sync_writesboolWhether Badger module uses synchronous writes, default is false
badger.mem_table_sizeint64Size of the in-memory table used by Badger module, default is 10 * 1024 * 1024 (10485760)
badger.value_log_file_sizeint64Size of Badger module’s log files, default is 1<<30 - 1 (1GB)
badger.value_log_max_entriesint64Maximum number of log entries for Badger module, default is 1000000
badger.value_thresholdint64Value threshold for Badger module’s log files, default is 1048576 (1MB)
badger.num_mem_tablesint64Number of in-memory tables for Badger module, default is 1
badger.num_level0_tablesint64Number of Level0 in-memory tables for Badger module, default is 1

Resource Limitations #

resource_limit.cpu.max_num_of_cpusintMaximum number of CPU cores allowed to be used, Linux only with taskset command available.
resource_limit.cpu.affinity_liststringCPU affinity settings, e.g., 0,2,5 or 0-8, Linux only with taskset command available.
resource_limit.memory.max_in_bytesstringthe max size of Memory to use, soft limit only

Network Configuration #

Common network configurations.

*.network.hoststringNetwork address listened to by the service, for example,
*.network.portintPort address listened to by the service, for example, 8000
*.network.bindingstringNetwork binding address listened to by the service, for example,
*.network.publishstringExternal access address listened to by the service, for example,
*.network.reuse_portboolWhether to reuse the network port for multi-process port sharing
*.network.skip_occupied_portboolWhether to automatically skip occupied ports

TLS Configuration #


  enabled: true
  embedding_api: true
    binding: $[[env.SERV_BINDING]]
    enabled: false
    skip_insecure_verify: true
    default_domain: "api.coco.rs"
      enabled: true
      email: "hello@infinilabs.com"
      include_default_domain: true
        - "www.coco.rs"
          secret_id: $[[keystore.TENCENT_DNS_ID]] #./bin/coco keystore add TENCENT_DNS_ID
          secret_key: $[[keystore.TENCENT_DNS_KEY]] #./bin/coco keystore add TENCENT_DNS_KEY

Common TLS configurations.

*.tls.enabledboolWhether TLS secure transmission is enabled or not, can auto generate cert files if not specified any cert files
*.tls.ca_filestringPath to the public CA cert of the TLS security certificate
*.tls.cert_filestringPath to the public key of the TLS security certificate
*.tls.key_filestringPath to the private key of the TLS security certificate
*.tls.skip_insecure_verifyboolWhether to ignore TLS certificate verification
*.tls.default_domainstringThe default domain for auto generated certs
*.tls.skip_domain_verifyboolWhether to skip domain verify or not
*.tls.client_session_cache_sizeintSet the max cache of ClientSessionState entries for TLS session resumption

Auto-Issue TLS Certificates #

Both the api and web modules support auto-issuing TLS certificates via Let’s Encrypt. This feature can be configured under *.tls.auto_issue:

*.tls.auto_issue.enabledboolEnables automatic issuance of TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt.
*.tls.auto_issue.pathstringDirectory path where auto-issued certificates should be stored.
*.tls.auto_issue.emailstringContact email for certificate issuance notifications and expiry warnings.
*.tls.auto_issue.include_default_domainboolWhether to include the default_domain in the list of domains for auto-issuance.
*.tls.auto_issue.domains[]stringList of additional domains for which TLS certificates will be issued.
*.tls.auto_issue.providerobjectSpecifies the DNS provider configuration for DNS-based domain validation.

DNS Provider Configuration (Tencent Cloud) #

To support DNS-based verification with Tencent Cloud, configure the following within *.tls.auto_issue.provider:

tencent_dns.secret_idstringSecret ID for Tencent Cloud API access.
tencent_dns.secret_keystringSecret Key for Tencent Cloud API access.

To set up and store the Tencent Cloud credentials securely, use the keystore commands:

./bin/coco keystore add TENCENT_DNS_ID
./bin/coco keystore add TENCENT_DNS_KEY


api.enabledboolWhether to enable the API module, default is true
api.networkobjectNetworking config, please refer to common network configuration section
api.tlsobjectTLS config, please refer to common TLS configuration section
api.securityobjectSecurity config for API module
api.security.enabledboolWhether security is enabled or not
api.security.usernamestringThe username for security
api.security.passwordstringThe password for security
api.cors.allowed_origins[]stringThe list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
api.websocketobjectWebsocket config for API module
api.websocket.enabledobjectWhether websocket is enabled or not
api.websocket.permitted_hosts[]stringThe list of hosts that permitted to access the websocket service
api.websocket.skip_host_verifyboolWhether websocket skip verify the host or not

Metrics #

Configure collection of system metrics.


  enabled: true
  queue: metrics
    enabled: true
    summary: true
    details: true
      - swap
      - memory
      - iops
      - usage
      - idle
      - system
      - user
      - iowait
      - load
enabledboolWhether to enable system metrics collection, default true.
queuestringThe queue name of metrics collection.
networkobjectThe Configuration of network metrics collection.
network.enabledboolWhether to enable network metrics collection, default true.
network.summaryboolWhether to collect network summary metircs.
network.socketsboolWhether to collect network socket metircs.
network.throughputboolWhether to collect network throughput metircs.
network.detailsboolWhether to accumulate network IO metrics.
network.interfaces[]stringSpecify the network interfaces to be collected, and all interfaces are default.
memoryobjectThe Configuration of memory metrics collection.
memory.enabledboolWhether to enable memory metrics collection, default true
memory.metrics[]stringSpecified collection metrics, optional swapmemory
diskobjectThe Configuration of disk metrics collection.
disk.metrics[]stringSpecified collection metrics, optional usageiops
cpuobjectThe Configuration of cpu metrics collection.
cpu.metrics[]stringSpecified collection metrics, optional idlesystemuseriowaitload

Node #

The configuration of node.


  major_ip_pattern: ".*"
    env: dev
    - linux
    - x86
    - es7
major_ip_patternstringIf there are multiple IPs on the host, use a pattern to control which IP is the primary one, which is used for reporting during registration.
labelsmapCustom lables
tags[]stringCustom tags

Misc #

preference.pipeline_enabled_by_defaultmapWhether pipelines are enabled by default. If set to false, each pipeline must be explicitly configured with enabled set to true
allow_multi_instanceboolWhether is allowed to start multiple instances with the same program, default false
skip_instance_detectboolWhether is allowed to skip instance detection, default false
max_num_of_instancesintThe maximum number of instances that the same program can run simultaneously, default 5
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