
Datasource #

Work with Datasource #

Datasource defines where the data comes from, usually we can use a specify connector to fetch data from a specify datasource.

Create a Datasource #

We can use the connector to connect specify datasource.

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -XPOST http://localhost:9000/datasource/ -d'
    "name":"My Hugo Site",
            "urls": [ "" ]

  "_id": "cu1rf03q50k43nn2pi6g",
  "result": "created"

config specifies the necessary configurations for this connector. For detailed information, refer to the connector reference documentation.

View a Datasource #

curl -XGET http://localhost:9000/datasource/cu1rf03q50k43nn2pi6g

Delete the Datasource #

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -XDELETE http://localhost:9000/datasource/cu1rf03q50k43nn2pi6g -d'
  "_id": "cu1rf03q50k43nn2pi6g",
  "result": "deleted"

Update a Datasource #

curl -XPUT http://localhost:9000/datasource/cu1rf03q50k43nn2pi6g?replace=true -d '{
    "name":"My Hugo Site",
            "urls": [ "" ]

  "_id": "cxx9vr3q50k38nobvmcg",
  "result": "updated"

?replace=true can safely ignore errors for non-existent items.

Search Datasources #

curl -XGET http://localhost:9000/datasource/_search
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