
Container Deployment #

INFINI Console supports container deployment.

Downloading an Image #

The images of INFINI Console are published at the official repository of Docker. The URL is as follows:

Use the following command to obtain the latest container image:

docker pull infinilabs/console:1.27.0-1936

Verifying the Image #

After downloading the image locally, you will notice that the container image of INFINI Console is very small, with a size less than 30 MB. So, the downloading is very fast.

✗ docker images |grep "console" |grep "1.27.0-1936"
REPOSITORY                                      TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
infinilabs/console                            1.27.0-1936    8c27cd334e4c   47 minutes ago   26.4MB

Starting the Console #

Use the following command to start the INFINI Console container:

docker run -p 9000:9000 infinilabs/console:1.27.0-1936

Docker Compose #

You can also use docker compose to manage container instances. Create one docker-compose.yml file as follows:

version: "3.5"

    image: infinilabs/console:1.27.0-1936
      - 9000:9000
    container_name: "infini-console"

In the directory where the configuration file resides, run the following command to start INFINI Console.

➜  docker-compose up
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