
Kubernetes Deployment #

INFINI Console supports deployment on Kubernetes using Helm charts.

The Chart Repository #

Chart repository: https://helm.infinilabs.com.

Use the follow command add the repository:

helm repo add infinilabs https://helm.infinilabs.com

Prerequisites #

  • K8S StorageClass

The default StorageClass of the Chart package is local-path, you can install it through here.

If you want use other StorageClass(installed), you can create a YAML file (eg. vaules.yaml) file that it contains the follow contents:

storageClassName: \<storageClassName\>

and use it through -f.

Install #

helm install console infinilabs/console -n <namespace>

Uninstall #

helm uninstall console -n <namespace>
kubectl delete pvc console-data-console-0 console-config-console-0 -n <namespace>
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