Installing the Loadgen #
INFINI Loadgen supports mainstream operating systems and platforms. The program package is small, with no extra external dependency. So, the loadgen can be installed very rapidly.
Downloading #
Automatic install
curl -sSL | bash -s -- -p loadgen
The above script can automatically download the latest version of the corresponding platform’s loadgen and extract it to /opt/loadgen
The optional parameters for the script are as follows:
-v [version number](Default to use the latest version number)
-d [installation directory] (default installation to /opt/loadgen)
➜ /tmp mkdir loadgen
➜ /tmp curl -sSL | bash -s -- -p loadgen -d /tmp/loadgen
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@@@@@@@@@@@@ Welcome to INFINI Labs!
Now attempting the installation...
Name: [loadgen], Version: [1.26.1-598], Path: [/tmp/loadgen]
File: []
##=O#- #
Installation complete. [loadgen] is ready to use!
cd /tmp/loadgen && ./loadgen-mac-arm64
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©INFINI.LTD, All Rights Reserved.
Manual install
Select a package for downloading in the following URL based on your operating system and platform: